Wednesday, July 3, 2013

the evils of america

purportedly americans are positively acting persons. very much not so in my case. the amount of harm i've seen is endless and huge in scope and upon tremendous research i am convinced the perilous side is intended to  succeed in decomposing everything i could tag as me. america enjoys destroying me incomparably more than doing its so called good. america believes it can destroy me and mine completely then tell me to "humbly" suffer. thank you for spiting in my face america i happen to see you for exactly what you are worth. america is there to destroy me and to ignore all harm towards me as if it never were. sorry america -pay up for all harm caused me since ive been here, all crime towards me, all losses agst which i stand no fight due to menaces of american way, and endless punitive damages for endless decomposition emposed upon me. pay punitive damages america - i am tired of being spat in my face by trash who believe i should keep on suffering while they cover up the destruction imposed upon me with virtually worthless and insulting spit pretending to be do gooders as they scheme up one menace after next and totally kill my life. pay up america- nasty country and low people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! america is there for evil doing trash like ted landreth and mira rakhman but it is there to nothing but destroy me- what a place. the evil overwhelms and drowns any supposed good by far-thanks for the low insults and pay up america-i am tired of america procured and endorsed suffering- i want to live. pay up america for all harm towards me in full in fact in kind and punitively. i am tired of suffering for nothing and dying because of you for nothing. pay me full punitive damages for endless losses and endless suffering and arrange for a flight back to russia where upon collection of the american punitive damages i would be happy to breathe some air. the reality-the evils of america. if there is even so much as quarter penny left to be disposed of upon my death it must be turned over to russian parliament and under no circumstance to revert to any person or entity of america. by all means thanks for murdering me america -the evil is the only thing i see distinctly of america-nasty country and low people.

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